Mobile No. +63 917 840 1306

Mt. Carmel Medical Center in Bocaue Bulacan is going to offer free consultations and hospitalizations to 4Ps of the municipality as well as senior citizens of Bocaue. This is part HOPE Inc.’s community programs in it’s healthcare advocacy.

Free Consultation and Check-up:

  1. Starting August 8, 2018, Wednesday, consultation and check-up will b conducted everyday from 9:00am – 12:00 noon.
  2. This will be open to all (Pediatrics and Adult)
  3. Selected Medical and Surgical services will be offered.
  4. Vital signs, height and weight, and CBG will be taken during the consultation.

Free Hospitalizations

  1. A 25-capacity ward will be allotted to selected beneficiaries and be named as “Lamberto M. De Lara Charity Ward”.
  2. Beneficiaries are: Indigents, 4Ps, Senior Citizens, and Sponsored Program, including dependents.
  3. The beneficiaries should present NHTS for Indigent, 4Ps ID, and MDR for Senior Citizens
  4. Walk-in or referred patients can be considered in the free hospitalizations.
  5. Clients who are not included in the beneficiaries can be admitted, however they will not be included in the free hospitalization.
  6. Free hospitalization will not cover procedure case rates or operations
  7. During admission, the beneficiaries are required to submit Philhealth Claim Requirements.
  8. Clients availing the free hospitalization will have no out of pocked expenses as long as they complete all required documents needed in the Philhealth program.